Friday, February 27, 2009

Do you feel a draft?

It started out pretty typical - Morgan takes one of Brooke's precious stuffed friends............

THE RACE is on..........
and the pants are falling off......

Without any assistance from Brooke, Morgan's pants were mid-calf as she was in hot-pursuit throughout the house. But, that didn't slow her down much. It made me wonder if she had taken fashion notes from some of the 8th grade boys she had seen recently at my school. Still, the speed at which she ran from Brooke was amazing considering her wardrobe malfunction. It didn't seem to phase her one bit. While watching this I could see a fight brewing, and I was faced with a dilemma - Do I try to intervene and prevent an almost certain sisterly battle? OR... grab the camera. I guess it is obvious which option I chose.


  1. I'm so glad you chose to grab the camera because this archival is hilarious now and will be priceless to the girls when they're grown.
