Thursday, March 19, 2009

Disney Surprise

It is advisable to keep information from your children if you are planning to go somewhere fun. In doing so, you may actually get them to nap before you leave the house. You can avoid the constant questioning that goes something like "Are we going to leave soon?" OR "How much longer until it is time to go bye-bye?"

After learning this lesson the hard way, we decided to really surprise the girls with a trip to see "Disney on Ice!" They both napped great that Sunday afternoon, and as they woke up, we threw them in the bathtub, and told them that they were going somewhere fun! Brooke's guesses included bowling, Tuttle Mall, the library, and Cracker Barrel. Morgan simply repeated all of Brooke's guesses like a little mocking bird.

Even as we drove to Nationwide Arena, we didn't give them any hints. We got inside of the building and even up the escalator before Brooke realized that she was in for some sort of Disney treat. Her first reaction was "Are we in Disney World?" I snapped the second shot as the idea was dawning on her!


Morgan's favorite part of the show? Eating Popcorn! Brooke's favorite part? "The skating!" To our surprise, we were front and center. The girls could actually feel the flakes of ice fly from the rink as the skaters slid, jumped and twirled by. Chip (or maybe Dale) gave the girls a hug during the finale. Overall, I'd say it was a great night. Still, it kinda makes me wonder if my kids need more excitement in their lives. I mean, bowling and the Cracker Barrel were on the top of their lists!

1 comment:

  1. Love the braids & just like Mommy, Tuttle was at the top of this list!
